Allen Ginsberg was Maoist

Anarchist Max Stirner wrote in 1844, a few years before the Communist Manifesto appeared in 1848, “Communism rightly revolts against the pressure that I experience from individual proprietors; but still more horrible is the might that it puts into the hands of the collectivity” (Ego and Its Own, 257). [...]

In 1966, the year that the Cultural Revolution began, the poet Allen Ginsberg wrote in “Hiway Poesy,” “It’ll be a relief when the Chinese take over Texas” (CP 398). In the poem “Eclogue,” written in Fall 1970 (middle of the Cultural Revolution), Ginsberg writes, “In a thousand years, if there’s History/America’ll be remembered as a nasty little Country/ full of pricks” but he contrasts this negativity with a vote for Mao, “‘Chairman Mao’ for all his politics/ head of a billion folk, important old & huge” (CP 550). America itself is the enemy in his poem, “Wichita Vortex Sutra,” written in 1966. In it, Ginsberg is angry that America, “sustains the aging tyranny of Chiang in silent Taipei City” (CP 411).


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