The Gospel of Saint Max

From time to time I like to browse the egoist quarters of the internet. Partly to see some funny jokes and amusing memes regarding a subject I’m deeply invested in, partly to see what the discourse of the day is about. The discourse itself however is often in my humble experience a question on what our beloved Max Stirner would think of a subject. What would Stirner think of transgender people? What would Stirner think of the war in Ukraine? What would Stirner think of me wanting to be a slave to a dommy mommy voluntarily?

​These questions may all have answers if you dig deep enough into The Unique and its Property, but doing so reveals a greater issue to a conscious egoist than the original conundrum. They have effectively traded one god for another: the Bible for the Unique and its Property and Jesus for Stirner. This egoist obsessed with Saint Max’s gospel effectively makes Stirner’s words their own spook: a force guiding their decisions away from what they truly want as an individual.

I’m not saying a conscious egoist should abandon Stirner. Praxis without theory is revolting in name for blind change. But I find it ironic and contradictory to take the same man that told us to think for oneself, to think in freedom without our ghostly adversaries holding us down and then use said freedom of thought to restrict ourselves by what Stirner thought. I may not be Stirner, but he would be rolling in his grave if he heard of what modern day egoist discourse online has become.

The solution to this conundrum is simple yet demanding yet necessary: to truly deprogram yourself to live without a god. Be it the christian God, the liberal Man or even Saint Max himself. Only through truly ridding yourself of these shackles of thought can someone be their own. To truly paint their own image in the creative nothingness that is themselves.

So, is this all a take Stirner would agree with me on? Probably. Yet does that truly matter when his whole mission was to see the individual be itself without the constraints of what he deemed spooks? I don’t think so. What matters is that you are you and I am me: nothing more, nothing less.